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I Built a Cabin


I built a cabin in the wood.

I built a cabin in the wood with my own two hands.

And I saw that it was good.

I built a cabin with my own two hands in the wood.

And it was good.


I put a fireplace in it.

I put a fireplace in the cabin that I built with my own two hands.

And I saw that it was good.

I put a fireplace in the cabin

that I built in the wood.


I put a mantle on it.

I put a mantle on the fireplace in the cabin that I built

with my own two hands in the wood.

I put a mantle on the fireplace in the cabin

in the wood.


I put a picture frame on it.

I put a picture frame on the mantle on the fireplace in the cabin

that I built in the wood.

I put a picture frame on the mantle.

And it was good.


There’s a bridge to the city, but the toll’s under water.

There’s a bus in the station, but I know I’ll never bother.

There’s a wind song that’s new, but the deer have been mouthing the tune.


I burnt that cabin down in spring.

I burnt that cabin down in spring and all the love went up like tinder.

I heard it sing.

I burnt that cabin down in spring. 

All they found

was a wedding ring.



© Audsongs 2014

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